She catalyses high impact innovation across sectors With more than ten years dedicated to leading high-impact and innovative projects within the welfare sector in Sweden, Josefin Klingvall ...
Ribocure Pharmaceuticals levels up One and a half year after establishing Ribocure Pharmaceuticals at Sahlgrenska Science Park, the company is ready for the next phase.
Connecting the dots in the West Swedish life science ecosystem Situated near Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Gothenburg University and Chalmers University of Technology, Sahlgrenska Science Park is n...
Five keys to drive change within healthcare Stronger Together! That summarises a series of events on the theme “Vägen in i Vården”. So, what do we need to do to drive change within healthcare?
Ready to rock their business After two years at Sahlgrenska Science Park, it’s already time to move on for Simsen Diagnostics. Just as it should be when emerging star...
Mabel AI won the HealthTech Award 2023 Mabel AI, company within the Accelerator at Sahlgrenska Science Park, received the Healthtech Award 2023 at the opening of Vitalis, the l...