Finalists for the HealthTech Award 2023 Ten companies made it to the final of the HealthTech Award 2023. You will meet them at A great pitch @Vitalis on 23 May.
Celebrating the most innovative healthtech companies The HealthTech Award 2023 is closed for applications. Overwhelmed by the great interest of applying to this year’s HealthTech Award, foun...
Charlotta Gummeson lämnar vd-posten på Sahlgrenska Science Park Charlotta Gummeson har efter drygt sju år som vd på Sahlgrenska Science Park beslutat att lämna sin tjänst för att gå vidare till nya utm...
Sidekick Health chosen for White House’s CancerX project Sidekick Health, Alumni company within the Accelerator at Sahlgrenska Science Park and member of HealthTech Nordic, has been recognized a...
With passion for collaboration and innovation His main interest is to design solutions to needs in complex environments with a human-centered perspective, primarily as an imple...
Med cell-, gen- och vävnadsterapi i framtidens sjukvård Resan mot de nya läkemedlen har bara börjat, men visionen är att kunna bota det vi idag kan behandla, lindra eller bara stödja – svåra h...