Meet the Nordics at Vitalis Vitalis, the largest ehealth event in Scandinavia, is getting closer. As a member of the HealthTech Nordic community we will be there, to...
She boosts competence, capabilities and capacity With new technology trends and digital transformation driving fresh opportunities and new challenges in life science and healthtech, the ...
"Innovation starts with hope of a better future" Arman Enekvint, resident doctor in ophthalmology at Sahlgrenska University Hospital, is participating in Sahlgrenska’s Innovation & H...
MYoroface breaks new ground in UK MYoroface, company within Sahlgrenska Science Park community, has been granted the right to provide its product IQoro on prescription in the UK as of 1 May 2022.
Key to success for healthtech companies Collaboration within the industry and with other industries is a key success factor for healthtech companies in West Sweden. That’s accor...
Sahlgrenska Science Park facilitates recruitments through Jobbsprånget Three startups in the community have recruited new employees after Sahlgrenska Science Park facilitated connections with Jobbsprånget.